Transformers 4 Tanpa Shia LaBeouf

Peminat tranformers masih bole menyaksikan robot kesayangan mereka beraksi pada Jun 2014. Bezanya kali ni tanpa heronya si Shia tu la. X tau Michael Bay nak amik sapa tunggu je la yek.
Ni aku petik n copy dari FoxMovies.


Director Michael Bay plans a fresh take on shape-shifting robots with the fourth installment in his "Transformers" franchise.

Paramount Pictures announced Monday night that Bay will return to direct the next chapter in the blockbuster sci-fi series, due in theaters June 29, 2014.

Bay's third movie based on the Hasbro toy line, "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," came out last summer and took in $1.1 billion worldwide.

The studio's announcement said the next "Transformers" will be a new take -- which probably is necessary since star Shia LaBeouf said last summer that he would not return for a fourth movie. Bay's production team will be back, though, including Steven Spielberg as executive producer.

The "Transformers" sequel is part of a two-picture deal for Bay at Paramount.

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