Midlife Crisis

Midlife Crisis atau middle life crisis ni selalu org pk sbgai salah satu sebab punca perceraian.
bende ni selalu datang bila seseorang tu berusia 40 - 60 thn.
walaupun org selalu kata life begin at 40, tp kalo seme bende baru nak wat waktu tu, dh terlambat weh.
kompem midlife crisis ni menyerang.

yg lagi menyukarkan, ia adalh penyakit psikologi yg x bole diubati dgn mkn panadol mahupun menelan soluble.
aku dpt info ni dln perjalanan dr nibong tebal ke ipoh.
(saje je tulis, x berkaitan pun. hehehe)
sebenarnya kita kene set target dlm hidup kita.
senang citer KPI la kalo bhs sekarang nih.
sebelum umur 40 atau cukup2 40 paling minimum kita dah mesti :

1: dah ada secure job n lg better kat management level
2: dah ada rumah n kenderaan sendirik (x abis byr pun x pe)
3: dah bole memuaskan hati pasangan masing2

ini adalah kombinasi.
tertinggal satu maka tak jadi la.
sbb bila kita dgr org kaya sekali pun, still ada problem midlife crisis.
dia x dapat capai yang kriteria ke 3.

memuaskan hati pasangan ni mendalam maksudnya.
ia merangkumi seme sekali.
aku tak pandai nak mengulas panjang, sbb usia perkahwinan aku masih muda.
mgkin bole amik parents kita sebagai role model.

apa pun ni KATA AKU. korang nak detail p la google sendirik.
apa susah!

tp aku ni baik hati. ni adalah symptom2 midlife crisis.

Unhappiness with life and the lifestyle that may have provided them with happiness for many years.

Boredom with people and things that may have been of interest to them before.

Feeling a need for adventure and change.

Questioning the choices, they have made in their lives and the validity of decisions they made years before.

Confusion about who they are and where they are going.

Anger at their spouse and blame for feeling tied down.

Unable to make decisions about where they want to go with their life.

Doubt that they ever loved their spouse and resentment over the marriage.

A desire for a new and passionate, intimate relationship.

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Jo Qusary said…
Parents sebagai role model? Aku tak setuju... sebab parents la, aku takmo berkawen masa muda dulu...
Ezzu Raza said…
Hehehehe.. cam ada sejarah silam jer...kene dok minum kopi baru tau citer nih...

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